ii broken oath of fate 

i am the voice. i am control. i am the push and i am the pull. i am the dark. i am the light. i am forever's endless night. i am the fabric. i am the strain. i am all that is and will remain. i was the start. i was the end. i am the pressure that will transcend. i was the love. i was the lust. i was the mistaken place of trust. i was the razor. i was the brink. i was the blood dripping off the sink. the face of the mother is coming undone. under the weight of a crumbling sun. past/present/future colliding as none. no memory of what once was. buried heads in hands of fear. knowing the end of man is near. everything known now turns to dust. fate comes calling. life that was now pulled astray. nothing left but molten clay. the sky tears open and is ripped away. broken oath of fate. broken dreams. broken lies. fallen heroes who gave their lives. hopeless men. hopeless gains. in the end it all meant nothing. initial bang. final bow. immersed in all this wrath would allow. eradicate. culminate. game/set/match from nature's hate.



iv it's always you

wash away proclamations long since failed. try to realign the facts long since derailed. introspection is a concept that is lacking. stand witness to the sheep as they're clapping. now tell yourself. it's someone else. they'll fall away. exact the shame. so willingly, ignorantly bound by chains. continual.. pain, suffering endlessly; hopelessly; kneel and fabricate faith's false narrative through. look away while things are proven true. blame the skeptic ignore the ones who knew. look within yourself it's always you. the loyal flock has been ceremoniously gathered. simple unquestioning minds continuously battered. never attempt to seek why a story is eroding. nothing to shoulder now the watered seed is growing. yet tell yourself. It's someone else. they're torn away. behold their shame. open your mind. leave behind the day by day. 



vii secrets 

come alone or come in droves welcome to this hell. you've been told there's no escaping from this physical cell. i can show you a way out to live the life you seek.  listen closely to what i say and the dream will quench your need. come and lay your head next to me. confide all those dirty secrets you keep. the hopelessness will help to set you free. we'll flourish in this transcendental energy. you don't know who you are until you let go. past mistakes aren't real mistakes if you believe it so. don't let the lies they push influence your view. time is always on your side when seeking something new, walk into an empty room and don't turn on the light. stand in the middle all alone then slowly close your eyes. visualize this empty place as the warmth draws you in. drop to your knees then scream and allow it to begin. feel the tingling of your skin as your senses come alive. remind yourself to just give in it's what it means to thrive.



ix say my name 

i can't get away and there's nowhere for me to go. day and night combined have swallowed this man's soul. i know what the dawn will bring yet i wouldn't change a thing. say my name. you know who i am and i won't be soon forgotten. say my name. know who i am.  and you know this fruit is rotten. you must see it all can't be for nothing. all i've done has to stand for something. well i'm heading back to this place; this place i've only been from. nothing but pain's hold awaits. it's the furthest thing from a home. my memories are my enemies and their grasp is unrelenting. the day is come and i am done and i won't be the one protesting. no pain no gain? but the suffering was it really worth it? doesn't matter now the truth is out and i will not deny it. there's nothing left of the man i once was. a recollection of a time of loss. you'll never see a confession from me. it was a line i was willing to cross. what's done is done now i'm the last one. this journey ends like it should. as i lay here i have no fear for i did all i could.



all lyrics written by alan schade. copyright 2021